Midi Libre, 19 septembre 2003

Photos of the performance

First Rectoversed Painting Performance

Contemporay artistic movement "rectoversion, an 10 de l'an 10.000"

Michel DE CASO and Michel OLIVIER, members of the contemporary artistic movement "rectoversion, an 10 de l'an 10.000",
realize the first rectoversed painting performance in public.
A rectoversed painting is conceived and built according to the concept of Rectoversion.
It is into 1991 that Michel De Caso conceives and creates Rectoversion while at the same time, Michel Olivier creates Planart.
This artistic performance which associates Rectoversion and Planart is proposed in partnership with
Gallery A, AARDCO, the site gate of art Artistorama.com and the Town hall of Carcassonne.

Copyright AARDCO, Michel DE CASO, Michel OLIVIER 2003
All ruights reserved. For all countries.