Rectoversion, theory
Rectoversion, history

Original RECTOVERSION®, HISTORY (continued)

From a traditional base to polysemic assembly(1978 - 1987).

  Persistance de la douleur -1983



There is no question of the back here. The framed painting is fixed on the wall in a traditional wall. This position emphasizes the front exclusively (up to 1983).

  Don't stop running, boy, hoy is all - 1984



The very beginning of the back is being introduced. The base is deliberately placed a few centimetres from the wall.




(the same painting as before but seen laterally). The frame has disappeared and the edges of the painting are painted. The front is thus prolonged on these edges (around 1984).


Il a bon dos, l'art, y'a bon dollar - 1985



The association of three-dimensional objects makes this work into a 'relief' painting.




(the same painting as before but seen laterally). The painting is still fixed to the wall but in a tilted position. The front has started to rotate (around 1985).


L'inconschiant existe, je l'ai rencontré - 1986



(side intended to be seen). The painting is detached from the wall and, for the first time, is located in space(1986).


L'inconschiant existe, je l'ai rencontré - 1986



(seen from the front). More reminiscent of a painting-sculpture than a two-dimensional painting.


L'inconschiant existe, je l'ai rencontré - 1986



(other side). The back is painted and can be seen.


Assemblage polysémique - 1987



The slide towards painted sculpture is confirmed. The assembly becomes polysemic. The two and three dimensions are combined there (around 1987).




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